Find Space for Your Heart Here

In the midst of busy lives, uncertainty & so much more, I hope that this blog will be a soft landing space for you. Find some of my heart, stories, and resources below, and please reach-out to me however I can support you. If there are additional topics you’d like to see on the blog, please feel free to email me!

The Mental Load of Motherhood for my Embryos
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

The Mental Load of Motherhood for my Embryos

The mental load of motherhood for my embryos means thinking constantly, sometimes non-stop, about what the next steps are, what I am doing to move them forward, and what has to happen to ensure one or both of these babies get to grow and thrive and join us earth side. It means thinking about my body, and our TTC journey, and the medications I’ve been on, and the one’s I’ve asked about but haven’t tried, and the failures we’ve had, and how those can keep pushing me forward. It includes plan A, and plan B, and plans C, D, E, F and G. It means thinking about contingencies and roadmaps and whats next and what’s lost and what can still happen. It’s finding patience in the wait. It’s finding ways to manage the anxiety in the wait. It’s all for my embryos. For our babies to be.

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You Will Be Okay
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

You Will Be Okay

When the nerves 3dp5dt makes you feel like your heart is going to pound out of your chest, you will be okay.

When you can’t sleep at night, wondering if your embaby is snuggled in tight, you will be okay.

When you convince yourself over and over not to POAS, you will be okay.

When you do finally POAS, in the middle of the night eight hours before your beta, you will be okay.

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