Find Space for Your Heart Here

In the midst of busy lives, uncertainty & so much more, I hope that this blog will be a soft landing space for you. Find some of my heart, stories, and resources below, and please reach-out to me however I can support you. If there are additional topics you’d like to see on the blog, please feel free to email me!

Loss of Finding Out | Guest Post
Infertility, Guest Blog Amanda Osowski Infertility, Guest Blog Amanda Osowski

Loss of Finding Out | Guest Post

When you experience loss in your journey to parenthood, ranging from difficulty conceiving to infertility to fertility treatments to miscarriage to prematurity and infant loss, it wears on you.  But, what most people fail to understand in this process is that loss is not just a one and done, the loss continues to happen to you over and over again, and even worse, it starts a spiral that feels never ending, the spiral of secondary losses.  Those secondary losses that come as a result of your primary loss and can range from friends who you cannot rely on anymore to a personal instinct and intuition you no longer can believe in to the picture of what you had expected your family to look like changing and evolving. 

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A Mosaic of Emotions: The Next Adventure
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

A Mosaic of Emotions: The Next Adventure

Today I walked back into my RE’s office and found myself drifting through the motions…. 

Check-in, answer screening questions, have my temperature checked, get my parking validated, wait for a few minutes. Get called by a nurse, have my blood drawn (today took three sticks), return to the waiting room. Scroll absentmindedly on my phone while trying not to make eye contact with any other woman doing the exact same thing in another chair six feet apart from me. Hear my name called again. Walk to an exam room. Undress from the waist down, but never remove my mask…

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A Mosaic of Emotions: Music First, Foremost & Always
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

A Mosaic of Emotions: Music First, Foremost & Always

Music has been an integral part of my life, of my husband’s life, and of our life together, so it came as no surprise to me when I realized that each part of my journey to motherhood has had some sort of anthem, whether I’ve recognized it at the time or only in hindsight.

There were constantly playlists running in the background of our lives - starting from the early days of trying to conceive at home, in the old-school, “natural” sense. Then, of course, there was the music that comforted us on our early morning drives to the fertility clinic, day after day, month after month, the songs that pumped us up during injection seasons, the lyrics that sat beside us in grief and the ones that we shouted in celebration, once we finally made it into the “safe zone” with my pregnancy in 2018. There was the song that I listened to over and over again when I was in labor, and there were very specifically curated playlists created for my daughter when she was born. 

This most recent season has looked no different for me, or for our family, when it comes to music. I have often been grateful to lyrics that say what I cannot, or express more eloquently what I am feeling, especially in the wake of loss, or grief, trauma or hurt. 

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The Crippling Costs of Infertility
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

The Crippling Costs of Infertility

Four years ago, I learned how expensive it was to struggle with Infertility. 

I live in one of the 16 states that offer SOME insurance coverage for Infertility treatment. I should consider myself "blessed"

However, I'm currently ignoring the growing pit in my stomach as I start putting my ducks in a row for our next round of IVF. 

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Around The Beanstalk
Infertility Amanda Osowski Infertility Amanda Osowski

Around The Beanstalk

Guest Post: I clearly know the overwhelm of the IVF world. It was a long, hard road for us. I didn’t want other women to feel as overwhelmed as me, so I decided to do something about it. I started up a brand new business called Around the Beanstalk, as a nod to the son we lost, Jack. I wanted to create a legacy for him.

With Around the Beanstalk, I’m creating products to help support anyone going through IVF. I’m providing tools for people to navigate the IVF world – partially in physical products, partially through the development of a community and support system. It's my goal to build a large community of IVF warriors….a place where we can all feel safe to chat, vent and ask questions. A space to lift each other up and get through the crazy IVF world together.

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Infertility Treatments: A Choice & Also A Challenge
Infertility, Stories Amanda Osowski Infertility, Stories Amanda Osowski

Infertility Treatments: A Choice & Also A Challenge

You see, infertility is not a choice. If I am any indication, it seems that those who struggle to conceive want a baby so desperately that the medical diagnosis of Infertility seems cruel and ironic.

What happens next, after that diagnosis, it’s a choice.

A really really hard, really really complicated, really really sh*tty, really really hopeful choice that individuals and couples make every single day on whether to pursue fertility treatments.

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Being Left Behind or Finding Your Tribe: Infertility in the age of Social Media
Stories, Resources, Infertility Amanda Osowski Stories, Resources, Infertility Amanda Osowski

Being Left Behind or Finding Your Tribe: Infertility in the age of Social Media

Two. Pink. Lines.

I’ve never wanted to see anything more in my life than two pink lines.

Two pink lines would mean that I’d succeeded, that I’d been triumphant, that my body did the thing I so desperately hoped, wished and worked for. Two pink lines would mean that I was pregnant. That my dream of motherhood was on its way to becoming a reality.

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