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In the midst of busy lives, uncertainty & so much more, I hope that this blog will be a soft landing space for you. Find some of my heart, stories, and resources below, and please reach-out to me however I can support you. If there are additional topics you’d like to see on the blog, please feel free to email me!

Loss of Finding Out | Guest Post
Infertility, Guest Blog Amanda Osowski Infertility, Guest Blog Amanda Osowski

Loss of Finding Out | Guest Post

When you experience loss in your journey to parenthood, ranging from difficulty conceiving to infertility to fertility treatments to miscarriage to prematurity and infant loss, it wears on you.  But, what most people fail to understand in this process is that loss is not just a one and done, the loss continues to happen to you over and over again, and even worse, it starts a spiral that feels never ending, the spiral of secondary losses.  Those secondary losses that come as a result of your primary loss and can range from friends who you cannot rely on anymore to a personal instinct and intuition you no longer can believe in to the picture of what you had expected your family to look like changing and evolving. 

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